Neighbors Against River District

This site is dedicated to preserving and protecting the New Orleans that we all love through the responsible development of our public land.

Can you spot the public use green space in this picture?

The Facts & The Issues with the River District as it Currently Stands:

  • DOTD has not approved this relocation.

  • The community was not involved in the discussion or decision to relocate Melpomene St.

Relocation of Melpomene St

  • 2% Sales Tax increase given to themselves

  • The board is largely comprised of unelected officials

New Self-Created & Self-Governed District


  • This affects funding for infrastructure, police presence, and public schools.

Zero Property Tax Will Be Collected

So What Can You Do About It

Send a pre-filled email to your Councilmember.

NOTE: These links will only work on your mobile device that has your email app logged in. You can find a document with all templates in text form to copy and paste below.

Each button represents a template covering various concerns over the proposed development. Clicking the button will open your email app with pre-filled text. You have the opportunity to edit the template to include additional concerns. Please fill in your name at the bottom.

Access a document with these templates and the councilmembers’ emails to easily copy and paste into an email to our representatives.

Sign up for Email Updates

We will only send notifications regarding the status of the development and upcoming public meetings around the River District and Topgolf.

We respect your privacy. We will never share your email nor send unrelated emails.